:( miz u guys......and THANKS for wearing my baju and advertise it to all people out their.kalau ada concert datang lagi buat baju ehhehehe.

The top 4 girls.ina,dila,ezah,fau

My pass ehhehehe double chek ah fashion designer NOT costume designer.......btw hate my pass pic atu berabisan macam urang inda bertidur usulnya.well double thanks to redbull again for making me inda bertidur.

P2f is the best experience that i will never forget gilaaa.........buat baju dorang sampai pagi,i have two make 4 different baju every week for only 4 days hahahaha how crazy was that.iya jua memikirkan lagunya yang have to match with the baju.yang paling stress after making it then the ''RTB'' heve to sensor lagi kalau sexy sikit have to change lagi the design ,design lawapun jadi bida ulih durang ah.well im sponsoring dorang semua...... only the girls lah actually for all the concert but its a good advertising for me and my career that can help me to expose artly design shop to all people out their.its a tiring month for me but it all worth doing it.
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